a left-eyed girl

living in a 2 dimensional world

Five on Friday: The happy edition

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I tried writing this entry as a list of things I’ve bought lately, but, well, dammit, it was just plain boring. Who wants to read about all the crap I’ve bought recently? Maybe it’s interesting to someone out there, but it’s not all that interesting to me.

Besides that, someone already made a snide comment to me this week and implied that I’ve got all the money in the world to burn buying stuff. The fact is that I do get paid well at my job, and I do have a substantial disposable income, but really I do not go around flaunting my financial situation and I hope that I do not give anyone that impression. Let’s be clear here: I don’t really care how much money you make, what you spend it on, and what you don’t spend it on. If I like you as a friend, then we’re friends. I’m not here to judge you.

(Unless you’re whining about money problems to me and simultaneously telling me how you just bought a really awesome something or other that cost an arm and a leg. Then I’m judging you. Sorry.)

Yeah, I’m still a little sore about that, but I’m going to go sailing on with a smile on my face because, let’s face it, I’m a happy person. And so let’s get on with this happy business:

1. Siddhartha

Guys, this book is good. Really good. I’ve gotten a lot of comments from people saying that the book is really good. And they are all correct. Yes. Read it. It’s not exactly changing my life, but it’s influencing it very slowly and making me think more.

2. Photography

I’ve been shooting more lately, and it feels good. Really, really good.

3. A friendly smile, a little effort

It really makes a difference in my day when a stranger smiles back at me. I’ve been smiling at people more often, and I am so happy to find my smile returned back to me. Spread a little sunshine, get a little back.

4. Oom-chick oom-chick

I have a playlist of about 40 songs that I love. Everyday I listen to this playlist while I’m on the train. It might be boring to some people, but when I really love music, I will listen to it on endless repeat until I find myself humming it (almost exactly in tune too) even when I’m not listening to it.

5. A beating heart

I have not been riding my bike as much as usual lately. My leg has been feeling sore lately, so I’ve been giving it a rest during the week and restricting myself to one long ride on the weekend instead, and what a nice long ride it is. So far, it’s my third time riding down to Palo Alto via Skyline, and I have my route worked out almost perfectly now. Wonderful. I was going to try another route this weekend, but since they’ll be closing the Crystal Spring Dam soon, I figure I might as well keep doing this route until I can’t anymore. This is a wonderful solo ride for me. The solitude and physical exertion does a body good.

Bonus: I also have to add that I am very happy to hear of good news from friends. Occasionally, I will smile broadly to myself, thinking about some good news a friend related to me. I know it probably seems like I’m insane to someone else watching me randomly smile, but who really cares. I can’t keep happiness shut inside of me. When I’m happy, I smile, and I’ve been feeling very happy recently.

Written by Reese

August 27, 2010 at 3:00 pm

Posted in just life

2 Responses

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  1. Geez, you just have all the cheeriness in the world to burn smiling and shit, don’t you?

    Fuck that. I’m going shopping.


    August 27, 2010 at 4:01 pm

    • Oh come now… I know you grudgingly like it when I shower you with smiles and love!


      August 28, 2010 at 10:37 am

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